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What is the Agriculture, Conservation & Farming Industry in Singapore
The agriculture industry in Singapore is a major contributor to the local economy, providing employment and income for workers as well as food security. It includes all activities related to cultivating crops or raising livestock such as farming, fishing, forestry and aquaculture. As a small island-state with limited land area available for agricultural production (only 0.2% of total land), Singapore has implemented ambitious strategies since independence back 1966 aimed at achieving food self-sufficiency including imports from abroad . Singapore relies heavily on imported primary produce particularly due to its dwindling availability locally especially fresh fruits & vegetables which make up 70 percent of our daily diet today compared with 20 percent in the 1970s when it was still mostly produced here domestically . In recent years however there have been concerted efforts by government agencies like AVA (Agri-Food Veterinary Authority) through initiatives like Hydroponics growing system that helps ensure consistent supply even during shortage periods , thus reducing reliance on highly processed/imported ones sold widely in supermarkets chain stores.. Additionally Specialized Markets Production Areas(SMPA’s ) where products can be purchased directly by consumers without intermediaries involved also serve the same purpose while promoting agribusinesses within the city state itself fuelling economic growth associated sectors i.e. retailing , packaging processing etc… All this combined contributes hugely to the nations GDP -as much $5 billion dollar each year! Not only does provide steady stream money into coffers likewise jobs workforce allowing changes traditional labor practices evolving modern techniques grounded sustainability principles thereby helping keep environment safe secure future generations come after us

What is the role & importance of the Agriculture, Conservation & Farming Industry Associations in Singapore
Agriculture industry associations in Singapore play an important role in developing and promoting the agricultural sector. They offer a platform for farmers to voice their concerns, build networks with other professionals, exchange knowledge and ideas as well as develop new strategies related to farming activities. These associations also work closely with government agencies such as Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) on initiatives that help promote the development of sustainable agriculture practices within the region. This includes offering information sessions or seminars which educate those involved in this field about current regulations, technological advances and emerging trends impacting it today. Furthermore, they can provide support by organizing events like conferences aimed at showcasing local innovators or aiding businesses seeking to expand into overseas markets through strategic partnerships between key stakeholders from different countries around Asia Pacific region – thus helping create more opportunities for export success stories out of Singapore’s agrofood chain ecosystem . Finally these organizations strive towards enhancing research capabilities so that meaningful data is collected regarding current production levels & potential future market demands – enabling companies better informed decisions when deciding on how best invest resources allocated toward product operations/pilot projects

What are the benefits of joining a Agriculture, Conservation & Farming Industry Association in Singapore
Networking opportunities: Singapores agricultural associations provide farmers with the opportunity to network and share ideas with other like-minded individuals, as well as gain access to business contacts within the industry that can help them grow their businesses and increase profits. This includes gaining access to experts in marketing, finance, logistics and even government officials who may be able to assist in getting a farm up-and-running or expanding it further. 2. Accessible Resources: Agricultural organizations such as AgriTech Association of Singapore (AAS) are constantly working on creating resources for local farmers by identifying technology trends from around the world which they believe could benefit local farming practices while simultaneously introducing new methods into existing processes used on farms located here domestically; this helps improve efficiency drastically regardless of size or scale operations being run through farms located across various parts of an island nation like our own! 3. Collaborative Learning Environment: Agriculture Associations also promote learning among its members by organizing courses related agriculture topics ranging from food safety & security issues all way till financial management advisories specific towards optimizing returns potentials available over different crops grown locally – these collective efforts go long distance helping out younger generations understand changing market dynamics before venturing forth into any form entrepreneurial ventures based upon agro/allied activities taking place underneath Singapore’s highly competitive landscape today!

What are the current work opportunities in the Agriculture, Conservation & Farming Industry in Singapore
Self-Employed/Freelance: In Singapore, self-employed and freelance agricultural workers are able to take advantage of the open market. This includes setting up a stall at one of the many local wet markets or offering services directly to nearby farms for crop production, weeding, harvesting and marketing produce. Additionally there is opportunity in providing gardening services such as landscaping design and maintenance around residential areas or private businesses in need. 2. General Job Market: There are several career options available within Singapores general job market that fit those looking for employment related to agriculture including positions like agronomists who provide technical advice on soil management practices; livestock managers responsible for animal caretaking tasks; laboratory technicians performing research activities with plants and animals using modern technology available in labs throughout universities across country; agricultural machinery mechanics repairing farm equipment used by farmers daily; consultants guiding organisations into environmentally friendly solutions focused on sustainable development aligned with current regulations regarding safe use of pesticides (if applicable). Lastly store keepers can be found ensuring adequate inventory control from ordering appropriate stock levels all while maintaining an organized space inside warehouses where products ranging from seeds over fertilizers until tools intended for gardeners could be stored before being supplied out when needed during busy seasons.. 3 Volunteering Opportunities : Volunteer opportunities exist also through organizations dedicated solely towards helping small independent family owned firms located outside city centers gain access to newer technologies allowing them to improve processes & procedures which would help increase their output leading eventually increased incomes even if it’s done slowly step by step . Volunteers usually get trained first meeting standards required , taking part in already existing committees managing programs aimed at aiding rural communities sustainably manage natural resources they rely upon without damaging environment present day farming relying heavily on chemical application causing unwanted pollution whose effects will last generations after us hundreds years down road beyond our time here now!